One of Denise's Descriptions

Form name: Female Pelican

Pictures of form: None

Description of form:
No, she's not a dishwasher, mailbird, or any other stereotype for a pelican that you might have seen on The Flintstones. Mixing concrete in her distended lower bill will only result in a rather messy spill on your feet and several lumps about your head as she pummels you for doing that in the first place. Pelican morphs are a bit touchy about all the puns and jokes aimed at their unique facial feature and are not afraid to tell you.
Standing at nearly five feet tall, this all white pelican bird morph wears not but a simple blue sash and pouch to keep a whittle stone handy to sharpen her bill. Yellow scaled legs with sharp talons on the webbed feet give her decent purchase on most surfaces. Unlike most bird morphs, this one can actually fly thanks to the large wings that end in very nimble feather tips that can do the work of fingers in a somewhat clumsy but functional manner.

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