One of Denise's Descriptions

Form name: Nonmorphic Pig

Pictures of form: None

Description of form:
As you look down at Denise, she snorts a greeting. She seems to have been given the form of a small, non-morphic pig. From the tip of her flat, wiggly nose, to the end of her curly tail, every last bit of her near-four foot body length is porcine in design with almost no hint of humanity left in her. A pair of triangular ears flop against the side of her head, though the left one seems to be colored a deep brown. Her eyes are shimmering pools of blue, with oddly long lashes which flutter as she looks at you. Her nose is broad and flat, and seems to wiggle to the various smells that assault it.
At the withers, the sow is hard-pressed to reach two and a half feet tall. Her hide is a soft peach color, bristled with short, sparse hair, with splotches of black along her back. Her trunk is rather full and rounded, which isn't surprising for her species, with two rows of teats running along her underside. Her legs are short, yet stout to hold up her weight. Broad of hip and plump of bottom, she could weigh no more than 150 pounds. Above her bottom is a cute, curly little tail which bounces when she moves. Overall, she looks relatively like a runt of a pig; she's not very big.

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