One of Denise's Descriptions

Form name: Unicorn Bunny

Pictures of form: None

Description of form:
A snow-white morphic wabbit of sorts stands before you. Framing her face is a crest of firey red hair which is long and braided. Atop her head, sticking out from the mass of waves are two long bunny ears about a foot and a half in length each, both flopping down about half-way up their length. Her eyes are a sparkling blue color, wide and full of life, sitting above a cute little muzzle with plump cheeks. The muzzle is capped with a pink triangular-shaped nose which twitches every now and then, making her little whiskers wiggle cutely. A pair of pearly-white incisors are also easily seen. Oddly, Denise has a long ivory like horn coming out of her forehead. It's black at the base, then violet, then shading through the rainbow to a bright red at the tip. Bands of gold spiral around it, wrapping around the horn.
The uni-bunny's figure is a bit plump in some places, but that could be the illusion of her incredibly fuzzy fur which also diminishes her feminine figure slightly. Her arms are slender which plump little fingers, each ending in a blunt little golden claws and padded with white soles. A long, silken horse tail of red and gold flicks idly above her bottom, oddly out of place on her lapine body. Each leg on her form is powerfully built, rippling with muscle and bouncy-power beneath all that fur before they slowly shift to horse hooves of a rich gold, like her tail and horn, which shines brilliantly.

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