NAME : sealskin / TIME : 2005/06/27 (Mon) 07:36 / PAINT TIME : 1:6:31:52: BROWSER : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050414 Firefox/1.0.3
Hey, here's another picture that's not really Denise. The directions said "a white coat" that also had a "sheen." This might be possible, but I just gave up and tried to make a silver coat. I couldn't really pull it off, even though I know they cover silver on the 1st day of Japanese art class and I would get served by any anime artist. Looking at her head reminds me of one of those deep-see octupus-things that fold up into a spiny football, do you know what I'm talking about? Well, the whole reason I made her hair in a bun was to show the hair turning into the mane - but then I decided not to even put the mane in. :( Jason, I tried to give her a happy anime expression, but it didn't "look right" so I kept working it until I got this glowering expression that seemed to fit. Sorry, I hope that whatever her problem is it's something yall can talk about and work out. (Maybe the problem is that I made the pants too tight.) By the way, you can use many common shortcut keys in the app: CTRL+ Z is undo, CTRL + ALT + Z is redo, and + and _ zooms in and out ...but MAKE SURE that the arrow is hovering over the active paint screen! Also, holding shift down while clicking |